Do you think it is fair for employers to check your Myspace or Facebook pages?
2007-05-14 12:10:12 UTC
I personally think it is fine considering you are posting information on a public website that anyone can access. Like if they find pictures of you free basing cocaine then that is one thing but if they eliminate you for political or personal beliefs then I think it is a problem.
Ten answers:
Sarah Says
2007-05-14 15:25:22 UTC
I don't care either way.

If you don't want it to happen to you, set your profile to private.

The whole point of it is to show people the person that you are. If an employer sees your sight, and doesn't like it. Oh well.
2007-05-14 12:22:53 UTC
Anything that's on a public website is fair game where employer checks are concerned. Sometimes the information is used unfairly, as in the recent case of the woman who was denied a teaching certificate because her MySpace page had pictures of her drinking at a party. Even though she was legal drinking age in that picture, the school still got their knickers all in a twist over it. She sued the school, and the case is still playing out as we speak.

Until the law clarifies things, the smart thing to do is be careful what you put online. Obviously you don't want to post anything where it looks like you're doing something illegal, but you should err even further on the side of caution. Maybe a good rule of thumb would be to not post anything you'd be embarrassed to tell your grandmother about. :-)
2016-05-18 04:16:04 UTC
no im have to disagree if you want something private you would'nt post it on the net where anyone has access to. Personally if i was hiring somebody i would do the same, i mean anyone can put on a suit and answer a bunch of good questions but you go myspace you see the real pot smoking, reckless party boy that you are about to hire. Your myspace/facebook is a direct reflection of you and people dont seem to realize that, moral of the story is dont put anything online that you wouldn't do in public RE: clearly didnt get my point, the thing im getting at is that the internet is a public place, you wouldnt walk down the street smoking a blunt or posing around in your underwear so why the hell would u take pictures like that and post them on the internet. It makes no sense to put yourself out there then expect others to mind their own business.
2007-05-14 12:25:28 UTC
Even though our myspace page is on the internet where EVERYONE can see it, and really, is sometimes a way to advertise yourself (as a person, to strangers and potential friends), I dont think it is fair for an employer to check your myspace because your myspace is meant to show who you are personally, not professionally. I dont think an employer should be scrutinizing his employees' personal lives. Myspace is meant for use by friends and i dont think it is right for an employer to intrude on that.
Yes I am here!!
2007-05-14 12:18:46 UTC
I doubt if they are looking to see what you are doing unless you are in a public position. They are more likely looking to see if you are spending company time on these sites. If you are in a public position or in a job that links you to the company you are working for and you post something that is harmful to the company then YES they have a right to view it and question you about it. Your personal life is your personal life until you bring it into the public view which you do on myspace, facebook or any other public website.
2007-05-14 12:16:57 UTC
Any time you are using your employer's computer and internet connection for personal use, you are subject to anything from a reprimand from the supervisor, to outright firing. That is the EMPLOYER'S property, not yours, and you are given the right to use it for the employer's purposes. Political and personal beliefs have nothing to do with it. You are abusing a privilege given by virtue of your employment. They don't have to keep you employed, and probably won't.
2007-05-14 12:18:34 UTC
I don't really like it, but it happens all the time. People should be careful with what they post on line. If you don't want someone to see that bad stuff you do, then you shouldn't make it available for the entire world to see.
2007-05-14 17:33:29 UTC
i think it is fair game becausee the stuff that is on the page is there because YOU put it up there. no one told you to put that kinda of stuff on there so tat if employers use it as a way to figure out who you are i see no problem with it.
2007-05-14 14:09:33 UTC
no, i don't think it's fair. your myspace and facebook pages are personal and they're outside of the job. they can't judge you from that. as long as your performing your best on the job that's all that matters.
2007-05-14 12:18:49 UTC
i think its fair. Be smart and dont post pics of you doing dumb things.

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