What is better....facebook or myspace?
2007-05-18 09:52:16 UTC
What is better....facebook or myspace?
Fifteen answers:
2007-05-18 09:59:50 UTC
both are good but I prefer facebook
Vincent Vega
2007-05-18 20:14:37 UTC
I like facebook better because , the profiles that has a college network seems to be real, unlike myspace .Myspace has alot of fakes ,especialy if you are hot .Your pictures will get stolen.Just my opinion.Too much spam on myspace.
Ree Ree
2007-05-18 20:43:48 UTC
facebook is wwaaayyyy better than myspace. Man. Myspace has a LOT OF SPAM...facebook is east breezy and jus as beutiful as a covergirl!

The Guy
2007-05-18 18:01:21 UTC
Facebook. It looks better and is more comprehensive resulting in more interaction with people. Myspace looks like someone threw up some HTML and Java code and left it to rot. It's just ugly and buggy as hell.
2007-05-20 03:45:57 UTC
Facebook is cool.. but, there's more ways you can be creative with Myspace. I mean, you can decorate your whole page and whatnot. With Facebook... everyone has the same layout and styles.
2007-05-19 13:28:55 UTC
even though I am mostly on myspace I really like facebook more
2007-05-18 19:34:30 UTC
facebook is simple, easy to use, and convenient. myspace profiles take like 3 hours to load with all that flashy stuff people put on there and all the millions of pictures and music...blah, i prefer facebook but to each his own. =)
2007-05-19 22:42:47 UTC
FACEBOOK!!! It's a lot more sophisticated, just all around better. It's for smarter people (you don't have to struggle to view someones profile because their html is so bad).
Big Head
2007-05-18 17:11:27 UTC
id say myspace unless your into getting rated. unless you hot or sexy you shouldnt have a problem being there but if your butt ugly (ex: Me) then its not fun.
2007-05-19 03:17:16 UTC
i say myspace becaus i uses it. but myspace is better beacuse it is more known
beth c
2007-05-19 16:03:24 UTC
2007-05-19 01:13:36 UTC
it depends on what style u like. if u like more conservative profiles, then facebook is good. if u liie to personalize ur profile with songs/layouts, then mysapce is the way to go..
2007-05-18 23:38:03 UTC
It depends what you like but I perfer Facebook.
2007-05-19 01:33:42 UTC
Facebook by far...its way simpler
2007-05-20 02:44:47 UTC
i have both but i like facebook more!

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