There is no fixed rule of the game about the status. You could put any status if you want. But take note though, our status will somehow represent some parts of our 'real self', even give clue about 'our quality'.
I am by all means no expert, but based on my experience, this is my own rule for writing a status. I just want to share, you might be interested.
The most responded and liked status I've written so far including:
- Famous quotes from movies, games, and famous figures ('hasta la vista baby'). Maybe not so much responses, but it got me many thumbs up!
- Good news about me, e.g 'I am so happy to pass my exam today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better." It would then make positive responses, such as 'Congratulations! and 'That's the result when you study hard!" I like to let others know that I am happy, and as a result I can make others happy too!
- Simple greetings to cheer everyone up, e.g. "Good morning, friends. Happy holiday for all!" or "Good morning, may today will be better than yesterday"
- My special activities, the ones I do not do everyday. For example, "I am in my uncle's garden. It is so nice to see many beautiful flowers and singing birds."
- Sometimes, I even asking for any ideas on something I have no idea about in my status, hoping someone would give me one (usually they did), e.g 'Just got two days-off from my office. I want to go to the beach but the weather is bad. Any other ideas?"
- Sometimes I threw comments about the current political or environmental issues to find out what others think about it, e.g. 'The conflict in Iraq seems to mean no other than political and power disputes. Who would be responsible for the fate of Iraqi people then?" Good thing is, I can see other's points of view and share with them
- Sometimes I put a short hilarious story or poem in my status, and I got many thumbs (liking) for it. Sometimes I also intentionally put on a vague (but funny) status ('It's a hot day but it's cold inside me') just want to know how others will react. And we could never tell, sometimes they like it!
In general, I've tried to put good status to make good impressions. Basically, I try my best not to make me look bad, at least from one sees from my status.
In addition, I also want to share several things to avoid in your status:
- Do not lie about the status just to make people interested. It's best to use interesting words, but honesty would be best. So don't write 'I am so happy to meet my new date' if in reality you don't experience it at all. You may get positive responses, but it might finally make you bored and will fool no one
- Be more specific about your status. If you want to write down your feelings, just tell everyone a little more about it. Of course you can write 'I am so happy today', but the immediate respond would most likely be 'why?' It will require to you reply it again and again, and at that time the one who gave you the first respond would have already abandoned it. Not everyone would like to regularly see your own status if it stays the same, right? Besides, such response will make your status flat and tasteless
- Avoid overly short or long status. Too short status will not interest everyone as well as the extremely long one
- Avoid condemning, despising, or mocking someone else specific in your status. Believe me, in many cases, it could cause you serious consequences. I once read the article that a man in the UK got fired from his office because of his negative comment about his boss on his Facebook status! Believe it or not, such severe consequences solely because of the so-called Facebook statuses are getting more common today. Better do not express your anger on the status. If you must express it, just be sure not to address it to someone specific!
- Avoid any confidential or secret statement as your status. It could harm you as well anyone involves in it
- Avoid dirty words, rude sentences, and pornography. It could cause severe consequences as well
- Avoid writing about desperation, suicidal, or death wanna-be status, no matter how bad you are. Instead of pity and symphaty, you'd more likely getting bad impression from others. If you are mourning, you can simply write "I am so sad, my best friend (just an example) just died in an accident," that'll be more likely give you sympathy. But personally, if you're feeling low, better write down a 'neutral' status
- Avoid writing your daily activities or chores, mainly if you don't put any more details on it. A status like 'On the way to the office' will most likely be abandoned. Nothing interesting to comment on that status, right?
- Better not to update your Facebook status too often, especially if there is nothing special or interesting in particular everytime you update; the best would be once to three times a day. Who knows, but the others may think, "Isn't there anything else this guy doing?" Besides, updating your status too often could make it more flat, tasteless, and uninspiring
- When writing another status, better not too monotonous, give each status a new breathe or variation, and avoid repeating the same or similar status again and again. For instance, if you're in love, just don't flood your statuses for a full week with the same or similar romance-related expressions. It would possibly make everyone frown and not interested
That's for my tips. Sorry for being too long and overdetailed. I do not by all means have any intentions to lecture or outsmart you, just want to share. Good luck then!