He blocked you
As an example:
If you block a user, some content that they posted before you blocked them will remain on your profile and on other areas of the site.
This content includes:
Messages in your Inbox (You will not be able to click to view the blocked user’s profile).
Wall posts the user had previously made on your Wall.
Stories about the blocked user that are posted on your mutual friends’ Walls (e.g., If the blocked friend tagged one of your mutual friends in a photo).
Photos that both the blocked user and one or more mutual friends are tagged in.
Groups that the blocked user has created. (You can still request to join these groups.
The name of the blocked user will appear as a "Creator" and will show up in black, but the user will not show up in the list of officers).
Photos previously tagged of you by the blocked user.
Messages that the blocked user sends to a thread that you are both a part of.
Messages that the blocked user sends to a group of which they are an admin and you are a member.
Invitations to an event that is affiliated with a group in which the blocked user is an admin and you are a member.
Comments made by the blocked user on a photo that was added by a mutual friend.
Photos the blocked user adds to a group you are both in.