there's several parts to this question... I found out this person blocked me, she was not on my friends list, but we 20 mutual friends, I do know her, and I would like to know if I post a picture, video, ect on the wall of one of those mutual friends, would she be able to see it? I would guess a girl will answer this question, here are some facts about what happened, if you don't care, just ignore. The girl that blocked me is somebody that used to like me(she's married now) she's my age, I never added her as a friend because I don't send friend request... When one of our mutual friends would upload a picture or write a post, i would comment on it, than she would(not trying to grab my attenion) at least thats what I think, because she would write something about the post. Every time one of our mutual friends would post something, and I want to comment but I see she comment on it first, i would not comment on it at all, and if i comment on it first, then she comments on it, i won't comment on it again, to not make it look i want to add her,,,(even do i do) This happened, lets say, about 5 times, I sent her a friend request(around july 2012) and she never accepted it, then she made a new fb(nothing to do with me) i've never send her a friend request cuase like i said, i don't, or a rarely sent one...then in october to today(april) she has comment on some of my pictures, where i come out with family members(and hers). Last monday i was tagged on a picture where i come out with my cousins, she has them as friends. for the first time i liked her comment, and comment something after she had comment somehing(obviously she saw it) and all of a sudden i received a txt message to my phone(i have a flip phone and not a smartphone) about a friend request from her. that was at 11am, i decided to add her a few days later, making her know that i don't log in to fb alot(monday april 9 was my first time loggin in since january) I logged in later on that same monday, to see what was new, I got another text messages about 3 other people that wanted to add me, decided to do the same thing, add them later. then i logged in again that same day, notice there was only 3 friend request, not 4, Her friend request was missing. and at 6pm i got another friend request, from her again. I decided to add her and no let the chance get away. but i couldn't log in until 2 hours later, Her friend request disappeared again. I still had(have) those 2 text messages, for every txt message i received telling me about a friend request. i have the option to reply ''Add" which i did to the second message. a minute later, I got a reply(txt message) that said: ''Add who" thats my other question.. why did i get that?? becuase the next day, i replied to that message(add who?) writing just 2 words, just to see what happened, what i replied, appeared on my wall, then, i made another replied, this time, wrote her name, as it appeared on the text message that said she wanted to add me. It appeared on my wall again....Ok, after this story, if you read everything, and you are a woman, tell me about what you think...and one thing it might help... she is my 2nd cousin., don't think i'm a pervert. she is really pretty, she knows i like her, she told me she likes me, she married(4 years) she invited me to her wedding, she told me(4 years ago, 2009) that i would be the most important attendant on her wedding after her husband. and yea, she is a really important person in my life. I haven't talked to her for 2 years, we did get in trouble in some occacsions, she did, with her cousins, but she keept talking to me(over the internet, IM) I live in california, she lives in seattle , so nothing happened, nothing out of the internet. I had my limits because I respect her marriage, she had her limits as well but we would sometimes talk(IM) like if we were gf and bf, and after 2 years and 3 months of not talking to each other(no counting the days at all, i just have good memory) why did she sent me 2 friend request, then....she blocked me, i didn't had her as a friend, but when i go to her time line, a thumbs up picture with a bandaid on the thumb appears, saying that the page is not available, again, she blocked me. hopefully you had read everything, give your comment, and don't think im a pervert...