What is your experience with Facebook and MySpace and where do they differ?
2007-05-06 19:09:08 UTC
What is your experience with Facebook and MySpace and where do they differ?
Twelve answers:
2007-05-09 18:32:43 UTC
Myspace is personalized ( good and bad depending on whos doing it) and unorganized. You basically move from person to person by comments and top friends. Photos are awkward and don't let you tag ppl. Anyone can join and say they are anyone.

Facebook is pretty much a glorified phonebook. Its main focus is on photos. You can upload huge albums and link all the photos to the friends sites ( tagging). It relies less on customization and comments and more on how people know others. It lets you search by REAL names and get REAL results. Easy to communicate with anyone fast. Very origanized and a good place to make friends. Anyone can join, but not anyone can say they go to a certain school. Email addresses are needed for confirmation.

Basically facebook is muchh faster, easier, organized, and user friendly then myspace. But if you still like glitter and half nude middle schoolers, myspace is your best bet.
2007-05-09 19:21:05 UTC
I prefer facebook. It's very simple, i mean you don't get to make the page you want it and you can't have music but it's nice and simple and you always hear about myspace drama well there really isn't any in facebook. And usually the only people that friend me on facebook are people i know and have met and that i go to college with. Myspace i have a lot of bands friending me and it's ok.

But really you would just have to have them both and decide for yourself.

:) have a great day!
2007-05-10 11:37:40 UTC
i have both but i prefer facebook over myspace. in myspace, it takes like an hour for certain profiles to load cuz they have sooo many pics, music loading, and graphics on there..which really isn't necessary...facebook - everyone's profile looks the same and loads in 2 seconds. it looks clean and organized. no fancy colours or designs everywhere. both myspace and facebook have privacy settings, but facebook is a little more secure. myspace, if you just type in site that is... ANYONE can view their profile, unless they have it on private. facebook - you have to have an account on there, you have to be in a certain network (like your school, college, etc)...and you can also make your settings on there as if you don't even have an account so no one can look you up.
2007-05-13 22:44:33 UTC
Myspace is bigger than facebook,,but facebook is safer than myspace because so many people use myspace..

In terms of graphics and everything myspace is better because you can put videos, music and all that on ur page while on facebook you can not do that.
2016-10-30 16:45:08 UTC
Haha. With questions like "click in this question!!! it somewhat is stunning!!! YAAAAAY!!!?" Yahoo! solutions is hardly tutorial. suggestions you, the comparable might nicely be pronounced approximately facebook and MySpace. in accordance to Wikipedia MySpace can also have a detrimental result on pupils via fact of gossip (See 'MySpace in tutorial settings'). inspite of the reality that inspite of the reality that the accuracy of Wikipedia content fabric is likewise regularly questionable. And now i'm getting all puzzled...
Joe T
2007-05-06 19:16:37 UTC
MySpace is highly customizable but harder to get control of if you don't know html. Facebook is just all the same layouts and is a simple non-html networking site. If you want everything to be different get myspace as you can get the code from websites. If you want something simple and you don't know html get facebook.


Get both. They are free so why not and see which one you like.
2007-05-06 19:18:50 UTC
Well to me facebook is a lot less sketchier than myspace. It's also a lot more organizes (friends in alphabetical order etc) Also it is associated with a school usually (network) and if you go to that school you can see anyone's profile if it's not set to limited. I like facebook a lot more.
2007-05-10 01:01:01 UTC
Facebook is much better, easier to use. and its organized. and now that Myspace became so popular, a lot of people are hacking a lot. and you get a lot of spam messages. that's why i erased my account and stuck to facebook.
2007-05-10 05:51:51 UTC
myspace you can costomize alot of the page to exspress your personality and stuff, Facebook is more into the communication and keeping in touch,

I prefure Facebook because you don't have to check on your friends to see if they are on or post bulletins to say hey I got new pics its automaticaly done and you can join groups and all kinds of things, it might not be costomizable but the whole Idea of a online community is to stay in touch and Facebook really helps in that.
2007-05-09 18:37:29 UTC
myspace is better..i hate that you can't customize your facebook..if you could, facebook would be a lot better.
2007-05-06 19:17:26 UTC
facebook sucks, and myspace is better
2007-05-10 18:45:44 UTC
facebook is muchhhhhhhhh better and easier to use

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