My Facebook app for android is constantly logging out and then logging in as a new device.?
2013-01-10 06:19:27 UTC
I get new notifications from facebook that i logged in from a new device, but i know that's not true cause my android phone keeps logging me out and then back in again. Has anyone have this problem? I'm guessing its some kind of conflict with another app on my phone, I read it somewhere online but I cant find that article anymore.
Three answers:
2013-01-10 06:31:11 UTC
Your on the right track. I had a simmiliar issue with my android phone, it kept logging me out and then back in again as a new device and I would get these notifications from facebook that i looged in from a new device or whatever... I dont remember which program was causing the conflict with my facebook app cause i removed a whole bunch of them at one time and couldn't pinpoint the problem, but i eventually stopped getting these irratating notifications. If I do remember I will post an answer for you.
2013-01-10 07:11:01 UTC
I had a similar issue but it wasn't a constant problem more like an intermittent problem like once every week, I don't remember what the trigger was that caused the problem but I do remember that I uninstalled my facebook app completely and then re downloaded it from the app store and that seemed to fix the problem. At least so far! but I'm always having issues with my facebook app for android.
2013-01-10 06:48:30 UTC
as you have not mentioned your android os version but according to your described detailed i can guess the facebook app you are using may not supporting your android os version. this is happening because you may have updated your facebook app or OS. OR your facebook app is not stable

thing you can do

uninstall facebook app from your android phone and again log in to google play account from your phone and again install facebook app and again check that does it is happening again.

one more thing may be of the active session in your facebook account is changing you can check in your facebook account

for further detail you can give me more detail about app version or os version of your phone by mailing to me at i will try to reply in form of detailed described post on my blog

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