2009-11-22 22:54:51 UTC
This seems unfair, as I would think what you do as an adult over 21 outside of work is your own business, and just because you happen to have a picture of yourself drinking shots, kissing a guy, or acting crazy means you could lose a potential job offer. Granted, you shouldn't be posting scandalous pictures of yourself...but a teacher of mine recently told us about how there was a picture of a former student of his making out with her boyfriend holding a drink (typical bar scene) and the employer showed her a computer screen with her facebook and told her flat out that kind of behavior was unacceptable. She didn't get the job.
What if I was kissing my husband and an employer happened to see that? What, now that's inappropriate? I've never been one to be riled up about facebook, but this seems unfair and a violation of privacy. How are employers getting information about their potential hirees when these people go out of their way to ensure their privacy? That makes no sense?