-you get to talk to friends by chat
-you can stay in touch with people you met years ago, just by searching their name
-all pictures can be set to be private (only friends can see them)
-all statuses can be set as private as well
-cyberbullying runs high on facebook, if you choose bad friends
-messages sent by people can be deleted meaning that if something is wrong you may not even have proof
-you may be asked to be friends with someone you don't know and be tempted to say confirm
Convincing your parents
-Tell your parents that you will get facebook email, al your actions on facebook will go right to the email which your parents can check
-tell your parents your user name and password so that they know your making safe decisions
-friend your parents on facebook that way they can see everything you do
yes this gets rid of your privacy but if you want to keep it from your parents are you sure you want to do it in the first place?
Not sure about the new privacy rules but I think it just makes your account less easy to hack
Thtime linene is just a different way to express yourself through facebook.
Your actions are based on time so on the side you have 2012 and all the months then you have 2011 all the months, etc and everything is set up that way. If you get facebook it will just take some exploring the website to really understand how everything works
oh and NEVER EVER EVER give your password to anybody BUT your parents not even your close friends