can i chat with doctor online free?
Anas Loveshore
2011-11-28 00:35:03 UTC
can i chat with doctor online free?
56 answers:
2011-11-28 00:44:26 UTC
ofcourse you can|ga|1|Rest+of+World|Online+Doctor&JPKW=chat%20with%20doctors%20online&JPDC=S&JPST=&JPAD=8215960443&JPAF=txt&JPRC=1&JPMT=b&JPNW=g&JPCD=20110908&JPOP=TransWillD1&gclid=CK2vqID42KwCFYSBpAodNF65JQ
2016-05-28 08:46:28 UTC
2016-12-08 15:26:58 UTC
Online Doctor Chat
2016-09-28 06:33:34 UTC
Talk To A Doctor Online
2013-12-02 05:07:48 UTC
hi I just recently came back from India , and I think I must of been bitten by something on the inside of my right foot , I did not notice until it was a large blister , with what looked like small eggs around the inside of the blister , I saw a doctor over there and he just said dont bust it , well eventually it did bust , and where the maybe egg things where , there was holes going into my foot , it has now been 2.5 weeks since I noticed the blister , and now it has 2 smaller ones near it , and also I had a pain in my stomach which moved down to the top of my leg , maybe the lymph gland and then formed a red rash , that was hot to touch , no doctors in Sydney Australia can tell me what it is , and I am very worried about it , does anyone have an idea what it could be and how to treat it to get rid of it , they just told me to put betadine on it 4 times a day , but nothing is happening .

please help

2016-07-11 06:45:49 UTC
A 40-year-old woman presents to her GP with a 1-week history of sore throat. She is normally fit and well and has had no other symptoms other than some lethargy.

The GP decides to prescribe a 10-day course of penicillin V to cover possible streptococcal infection. Two weeks later the patient returns. She is feeling worse and now experiencing difficulty in swallowing. Examination of the throat reveals widespread wide plaques.


1. What are the likely causes of sore throat?

2. Should antibiotics be prescribed?

3. What is the likely diagnosis?

4. What other investigations might be indicated?
2014-12-06 12:31:19 UTC
I am a 65 year old female, taking furosemide 20 mg and rantitidine 75 mg. Within the last month, I have developed a nauseating feeling in the center of my stomach, with some looser stools. Now, when I eat, I seem to have the nausea as well. Any ideas?
2015-02-16 10:06:38 UTC
I am 44 year old female with a heart rate of 44 to 51 bpm most of the time I do have some lightheaded and some dizzy spells mostly light headed and some fluttering in my chest should I be concerned I do feel quite un rested couple of weeks ago I was so dizzy and when standing felt very faint sometimes I feel fluttering in my chest I have low energy levels as well
2014-10-06 22:09:30 UTC
I am travelling on a P7O Cruise in Feb 2015 it is stopping in

Noumea ,Lifou, Villa, Dravuni Island, Suva, Suvasuva and Port Denarau. do I need any vaccinations.

I have had vaccination when I travelled to Thailand, Bali, Malaysia and Singapore
2013-12-16 22:13:01 UTC
I have irregular periods and has been diagnosed PCOD. My doctor prescribed me Meprate (Medroxprogesterone acetate tablets)

10 mg for 5 days, 2 tablets a day. she told me to take the tablets and that i should get my periods after 2-3 days.

It has been almost 14 days now since i finished taking the tablets but i did not get my periods
2015-06-24 12:50:09 UTC
Im a 32 year old female,

my next period should haver been round june 10th but it didnt come

I stopped using birth control on december 29th of 2014

i have had sex but since the i didnt trust the condom brand we were using, I swallowed the Morning After Pill on january 12th, 31st and february 26th


My vaginal ph level disturbed and i had a sort of yeat infection, whicih i got miconazal creme to apply vagil

since than I;ve gottten my periods in january, february, march and may, but since may no period

ive taken a lot of preg tests but , not positive

whats is the matter with me??
2015-02-02 15:04:02 UTC
Ive been so sick ever since getting the flu shot Jan 5th. It started with a bad cold, and horrific ear pain in one ear. Im a very active 21 year old female. I have been in bed most of this month, feel extremely dizzy and light headed all the time. Headaches here and there, they have been bad in my right eye, behind it, and above. I feel so fatigued, nauseous, and out of it.
2015-03-31 16:56:10 UTC

It s 8months now I had a miscarriage without taking the Anti-D injection. I did a blood group test 3days ago and the result shows I am 0 negative.

Is it still save to take the Anti-D injection?
2015-10-01 09:05:24 UTC
Yes I m a doctor
2015-05-05 07:01:09 UTC
Hi, yesterday i cut my toe, not a bad cut but it was bleeding extremely after a few seconds the blood became jelly like... what does this mean? i did go to the doctor as i also have lupus and don t want to take chances.. but can this be serious? still waiting on blood results?
2011-11-28 01:22:13 UTC
2011-11-28 00:42:55 UTC
I m sure after couples of years or so, U guzs would ask ur child birth online but free.
2016-04-25 15:30:17 UTC
I will like to know am I pregnet I have been haveng back pains and peeing a lot and I have been feeling sick d I have been getting sleepy and my belly and brest is getting really heavy and I had dry heavs come up an sick to my belly a lot
2015-08-05 22:37:50 UTC
my 7 month pregnancy.i did anamoly scan.Dr noted Single round nuchal cord.they only noted not to talk about i had intrauterine death at 32 weeks delivered by cesarean.nobody not to tell the reason for baby died.i did Cesarean another hospital.they said no cord around the neck.but my first dr said cord around the neck is the reason or sudden suger.but my each month test said normal Bp& first Dr examied the single round cord but they didnt give any precaution.plz give me the IUD reason.

is cord accident repeat my next pregnancy?

plz give me some precaution steps to avoid it
Ayad Gaber
2014-09-22 12:59:25 UTC
I have diabetic type 1 and use the insulin injection for treatment but when using insulin the level of sugar in blood will decreae but when eating few food the level be return to same level
2014-10-19 02:54:43 UTC
I am 22 years guy I lost my elder brother in childhood but I never feel for that but recently I saw one guy with same age of my brother I was craze about that guy as my brother and I always thinking about him, willing to talk with him and willing to share time with him. But that guy not considering me as brother he saying that I have lot of relation I also want to take care them. I totally get depressed in this case what is the solution to go out with this problem and what is problem I facing?
2015-09-21 15:12:32 UTC
Ok i m experiening an overdose of ritalin.need to consult a doctor
2015-07-27 23:20:02 UTC

I m 24 years old man. i m addicted in masturbation[started from my age of 14,but still i can t control myself]. daily i wants to do that at least once. i cant control myself because i had lots of unforgettable memories, some time i will memorize that all. Is it harmful for my future? is it effect on my future married life? i don t how it will effect on my life. can you suggest a suitable solution to control myself.?
2015-05-12 05:16:12 UTC
my follicular scanning says DOC 21, Right ovary 64 X34mm, Left Ovary 55X42 MM, Endo 10 Mm POD 2.2. can anyone explain what does it mean?
2014-11-30 17:50:16 UTC
I'm 54 and very scared I have been itching. On. My head back of neck arms chest
2016-05-11 04:21:42 UTC
hey i am 22 yr old boy i read on net about diet that helps to increase penis size so i started to eat almond,figs and some time egg daily and drink almost 8 to 9 water glass .

i just want to know that does it help in increasing penis size?? my penis size is 4 inch is it ok?
2015-04-19 00:35:08 UTC
I have an complex overian cyst.measurement of 4.6 cm & has a thick seption surronded by a thin rim of overian tissu.its what yype of Cyst?
Carol P
2015-11-07 15:40:14 UTC
Do you people NOT see that this is just a yahoo question and answer tool? My goodness, nobody here wants to read about your stools and toes and everything else.
2015-11-26 00:22:01 UTC
Respected Sir/madam

Hi i am 21 years old before I have periods problem and i get test on last year in aug month from doctor they told to me to urine test , blood test ,and scanning of stomach and I got report also in that inner stomach pimple in down part and they told me to take some pill and come back after getting the periods in 5to7day (I don’t know that pill name ) after taking that pill I get period in that month and again gone they suggest to take diane 35 pill for day1 to day25 after 25days I will stop 2to3 day I get periods like that continues 3 month I taken that tablets till November after 3month again I go to meet the doctor again they told me to take 4months as it is I continue the same procedure till march.

After my 1week periods I had sex for privately with my bf and I take unwanted pill after that i get period and next month also I had sex and taken same pill and I get period also in that month of oct 3 .after that now I did’t get periods from 1 ½ month . there is any problem from that and now i getting white discharge like curd color and thick but it not smell. i don t know English correctly please understand my English and kindly give a suggestion please
2014-08-06 23:12:54 UTC
my frnd suffering from suspect h1n1 and pnemonia he is ventilater from past one week and know he made opeartion near neck and put in ventilter for brethe doctors told lungs are damaged plz suggest is conditions
2015-11-02 09:34:13 UTC
Had cervix frozen due to Hpv, haven't had period since, 5 months. Is that normal
2014-09-17 00:41:48 UTC
hi doctor
2014-12-18 18:31:58 UTC
my name is Grace Anderson

my question is that can people with there tubes tie can they get ovarian cysts when tube are when I found out that i have a cysts on my ovarian I got worried bout it but how would I get it to taken care what would happen if i dont
2015-07-25 17:37:26 UTC
I took two Risperdals by nistake and now im stuttering really bad and I also have involuntary movement what can i do?
2014-03-13 11:52:19 UTC

As per Blood report HB% 11.9GMS TC 15700 cells/cumm ESR 120MM/HR AEC 340 cells/cumm. For my wife (28)age. She is suffering with fever and cough continuous. Is there any problem in her health.

Please, can any one suggest me what to do is there any serious problem. She weight abt 96Kgs(28)age.
2014-08-18 17:29:41 UTC
i am taking medicine rifa i6 forte and livina last 5 months because of tuberclosis so i want to know can i use fat burner tablets and Clenbuterol tablets with this because i want to lose my weight and i m going to gym last 2 months...
2015-04-06 09:01:36 UTC
Good day i am having stiffness and numbness in my back legs and toes
Jay Anthony Trading
2015-10-25 20:55:19 UTC
i felt this pain in my nape...theres an irregularity of day of pain...i just come up with the idea that it might be the cause of jumping into the falls when i got the stiffneck...could be it possible?
2015-11-16 01:34:00 UTC
my mother has fatty liver grade-1 wht mewdicine should be intake plz inform me generic name of medicine
2014-07-14 23:51:21 UTC
i m a somokar so in my teeth inside coming a blood so why
2014-03-20 16:57:44 UTC
try Pangianet its a new site and its global. i was very satisfied and its free
2015-01-24 09:27:19 UTC
i am having problem during sex...when i want to push my penis it feels that there is a bone which is prevent me to penetrate...i hav tried almost 15 days to penetrate but cant even push my middle the vagina normal please let me know.
2014-09-14 02:26:46 UTC
In my pennis some wax is there daily what to do?
2015-06-13 03:26:56 UTC
my father ESR is 26 is it high ?and what is purpose of ESR test
2015-07-26 10:41:49 UTC
How do you know if you have a std and what type
2015-05-15 20:26:07 UTC
can we find traces of sperm in womens blood after intercource
2015-03-08 00:51:20 UTC
I have oily skin..... pimple, dark spots and dark circle around eye is presend..... I want healthy ,shiny and fresh skin..... Please please doctor suggest me some medicine,cream and advises..... I am 23 years old
2015-07-23 12:42:04 UTC
how can i increase my lbido,orgasam,satamina, and my penis very week so want to stronger and herdar,longer stay which medicine shall i take i am 42 years old man. thanks
2015-07-02 01:08:16 UTC
hii dr
2013-10-17 15:31:47 UTC
2015-07-31 00:16:38 UTC

2015-03-08 16:30:13 UTC
my uncle married for 12 years and has no children because his sperm death please Can you give me some information about this topic
2011-11-28 00:38:35 UTC
Why is this in the facebook categorie?
2015-10-15 23:02:46 UTC
can i have a neuro surgeon
2015-01-15 09:57:11 UTC
2016-06-11 23:36:20 UTC
sir r u on line

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.