First you must find out where the Facebook headquarters are.
Next buy an all black jumpsuit, a thing of twinkies, and take at least a week of martial arts lessons. You'll find out later in this explination.
Ok now that you have done that here's where it gets tricky, you have to go to the headquarters at night on the least guarded night of the year, 4th of July, no extras will be there so it will just be you and the guards, but don't think getting past them is that easy, but more about them later.
Once you get to the headquarters, from the front entrance there should be a ventilation duct to your right about 15 or 20 steps. Climb in there and keep going straight unroll you reach a fork in the duct, take a left. Now anfter a few meters there should be a grate underneath you, take it off and drop down. If I'm right you'll drop into the security room, the guy watching the cameras has poor hearing so sneaking up on him shouldn't be that hard, after you have snuck up on him put him in a sleeper hold until hes out, then turn off all the cameras and delete the 3-5 minutes of you being in the security room.
Now sneak out the door carefully because there should be a guard walking up the hallway, luckily he has poor eyesight so it shouldn't be too hard to hide from him in the dark hallway with your black jumpsuit on. Take the first right.
After that you're in the clear until you get to the Facebook coding room. After you enter that room it gets really tough. When you enter there should be a fat guard sitting in a chair, distract him with the box of twinkies. Now there should be two more guards coming from a door to your right, they will be highly skilled in martial arts, see where the training comes in? One of the is an elderly man but don't underestimate him hes the better out of the two. You need to take him out first because he will require the most of your energy. Two move should get him down and out, they are the shaking dragon and Mt. Dew hyper cheetah. After hes out its time for the weaker one. Hes easier but being tired from the recent fight it will be tough. this time he has watched your two moves so you need new ones, one I like is sleeping bear, you fall to the floor like you fainted and then curl up in a ball. When he comes over to see what happened you kick him in the throat. That should knock him to the floor, then jump on his chest breaking some ribs too make sure he doesn't get up.
Now the fat guard should be up and running now, finished with the twinkies, but hes slow so just round house kick him and he should go down, if not do it again. Now go to the main computer and type in the master password, which should be in a drawer near the computer, and it will log in to Facebooks control website. Type in your name and search it. Find your profile and type in: 31000440MZB
It should unlock the whole profile and the master controls to it, look for; temporarily suspended. Click on it and there should be options, choose "Un-Suspend" and there you go. Now log out of the computer, take the empty twinkie box with you, go back to the security room and turn on the cameras and leave the same way you came in. Get as far away as possible in one night and you should be in the clear. Go Back home and get on facebook and tell about the awesome night you had the night before with out giving away too much because Mark Zuckerburgh will me monitering Facebook closely now.