I am scared to comment on a post in facebook?
2013-06-29 07:25:45 UTC
I think it's because I rarely comment on anything. But the thing is, right now, I REALLY want to comment on the post. What do I do?
Five answers:
2013-06-29 07:26:48 UTC
just do it.
2013-06-29 14:29:52 UTC
Just be wary of what you say because with the privacy settings constantly changing on facebook, not only you and the person whos post you are commenting on will be able to see your comment. Friends of friends, and friends of the original poster's friends will also be able to view it. All in all, you should never be afraid to speak how you feel. My best advice to you is just to mind your words. :)
2013-06-29 14:39:26 UTC
Remember that what you write online is for the world to see. Be careful what you write online. If it's something you really believe or just a general comment go right ahead.
2013-06-29 14:26:57 UTC
Just comment what you think. No one's gonna make a complaint on you. Try to be respectful and not in a rude manner.
2013-06-29 14:36:43 UTC
man up and do it

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