Is facebook down? 9/22/2010?
2010-09-22 10:54:01 UTC
Anyone out there unable to get into facebook today? I left for a meeting and came back to a 'server not found' message.
183 answers:
2010-09-22 11:00:55 UTC
I've been having the same problem and was searching to see if anyone else is having problems when I saw your post. I can't find much else. I'd think, if they were planning some major work on the servers, they would have given everyone a heads up. I'm guessing they are dealing with some unforeseen problem.
2010-09-22 12:24:09 UTC
Hey everyone its down all over Oklahoma as well. However I have a ? for everyone.

Has anyone updated there Adobe Flash Players today.

If you have then there might be a connection, since adobe has had some major issues over the last few weeks with there inferior updates lately, that might be causing the facebook server to be down.
Steven Cederdahl
2010-09-23 13:13:24 UTC
I HACKED IT THEY HAVE A 17 layer encryption to crack if they want to get it back and if they mess up 1 key it uploads a downloader in the background with a worm to slam their computers. Port 99s are always the easiest to hack i told them they had a huge error and they laughed so i showed them by shutting it down dont be mad at me be mad at facebook dev team for not listening to me. So What i did was an sql injection on a team mates account on a little old program id thought they knew about cain and abel took that login to the email and sent a change email to it and changed the password logged in and shut it down by stopping the connection and encrypting the metaframe and html code ***** and Im 14 so think about it.
2010-09-22 11:45:24 UTC
Ugh yes it is still down in AL! It had been saying safari failed to open page but now some roadrunner search site comes up each time I try to go to facebook and the corner section logo on where you type the web address is showing some sort of cartoonish duck instead of the facebook symbol....Hope its not a big virus!! :(
Jillian S
2010-09-22 12:09:41 UTC
Well, it wasn't up, then it was, now it isn't again! Ugh! Facebook must be having some real problems for it to be down this long! It was acting really crazy last night! I was trying to use the chat and the page kept automatically refreshing every few seconds and I couldn't keep my conversations in chat because of it. I hope they can fix soon!
2010-09-22 11:57:19 UTC
Yes, down in Texas for over an hour now!! Server Not Found message!!!!
2010-09-22 11:51:53 UTC
Down and out in Madison, Wisconsin. 1:50 PM

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss).
2010-09-22 11:18:56 UTC
No Facebook Here Either (NC) But Lame-O Myspace Works Just Fine
2010-09-22 11:10:24 UTC
They are working on the servers. It will be up in about 5-10 minutes. It happens to all big websites. They have to update Facebook at sometime :P
2010-09-22 11:00:46 UTC
Yep, same here, Alabama...was in the middle of playing a game on facebook. Page went nuts and then I got error: server not found.
2010-09-22 11:20:25 UTC
Wow! same problem here! I'm in Buenos Aires Argentina. It seems that facebook went down all over the globe. xD It's this a signal announcing the end of the world? hehe
2010-09-22 12:16:13 UTC
I have tried to log on for over an hour here in Texas on my laptop. My wife just got home from work. Sat down beside me. Opened "Her" laptop, signed into Facebook and is now playing a game.

Hey what gives here.
2010-09-22 11:46:33 UTC
I was on earlier this morning about 9ish, to play Mafia Wars for a second and it was running fine. Im here in TN. I then came back to try again around 1 and I have been unable to login in.
2010-09-22 11:44:15 UTC
Down in Alabama! Number 100 hehe
2010-09-22 11:51:02 UTC
Yes, it's down for me here in Nashville, although it is working for my sister in another part of TN. She says the people who are able to log in are being swamped with friend requests and event invites. My curiosity has peeked, Twitter was recently hacked, why not Facebook?
2010-09-22 11:16:54 UTC
I am having the same problem my browser keeps saying unable to contact site server.
2010-09-22 11:59:09 UTC
WHat the HEck!?? I can't be with out my Facebook! LOL!! Yea it's been saying the same thing here in TExas cannot connect to server! ;(
2010-09-22 11:20:49 UTC
Its the same here it says server down. Will not connect on any other site either..hope it comes back soon.
2010-09-22 10:58:13 UTC
Got the same thing, every other server connects except facebook for me
2010-09-22 11:42:04 UTC
Oh my gosh a terror plot against poor facebook. EEKS. I miss it already. Down here in Wisconsin argh.. WOW I have never NOT been able to get on Facebook.. WHAT is happening. The end of the world apparently lol..
2010-09-22 11:23:44 UTC
It's down in Dallas, Texas as well.Just goes to show that even the biggest are prone to server errors.
2010-09-22 12:09:20 UTC
Down over 1 hour in Houston. Log in screen finally came up but cannot log in.
2010-09-22 11:18:22 UTC
Wow 51 answers that are all the same! Yes FB is down! Ohhh now that I posted an answer it is 52!
2010-09-22 11:08:34 UTC
Same here....Austin TX. For the last hour or so at least. Problem loading page - server not found. I use Mozilla Firefox.
2010-09-23 14:05:58 UTC
Shut Up! I know me too! i been trying to sign in all day,at first i though my computer was slow or needed to get de-bugged lol but then i went onto myspace and realized i was not the only one! Rumor has it that Its a hacker destroying the site because they are mad about the new movie coming out tomorrow called, "The Social Network", I dunno i wouldn't put a pass on it!
2010-09-22 11:59:47 UTC
Nope it isn't working for me either! OMG. What happened to Facebook? Everyone will be going crazy for a few hours and it will be up again. Here in Massachusetts.
shishir s
2010-09-22 11:17:11 UTC
FB is down (Server not found) in Orange County, CA too. Hope they are working on it to resolve this issue.
2010-09-22 12:19:04 UTC
It's down for me in Nashville. Maybe the Mayans were wrong? September 22, 2010.. AHHH!!!
2010-09-22 11:32:11 UTC
Yes, Facebook seems to be down. I've tried to log in the last half hour.
2010-09-22 11:26:07 UTC
It is down here in Cle, OH too. Strangely some of my friend from Europe can access it, I receive the notifications that they commented on my photo, but I cannot log in.
2010-09-22 11:39:13 UTC
Yep... It's down for me in Georgia as well. All other site work fine but Facebook. Has any one heard what's up?
2010-09-22 11:35:43 UTC
It's been down for the last two hours. You can check the status here:
2010-09-22 11:12:57 UTC
Also unable to login to Facebook
2010-09-22 11:02:27 UTC
I too am unable to even load the login page, I tried on my cellphone application and it works fine. I think the site is down.
2010-09-22 11:32:08 UTC
TN down as well.. man.. Facebook goes down.. and the world crumbles.. LOL I mean.. you freak out that it's down.. then suddenly rush to go somewhere online to blog about it.. if FB is your only blog site.. you just scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Hahaha..

What's worse is how many of us were 'multislacking' instead of doing we HAVE to do the work while we check every 30 seconds to see if it's up yet.. Curse you Facebook. Curse You..
2010-09-22 12:35:49 UTC
Yes, mine hasn't been working for a couple hours. Hope they get it fixed soon, or I will be suffering from some major facebook withdrawals. LOL!
2010-09-22 12:02:01 UTC
Down here in ohi for about an hour. Th eonly thing i can see is a problem in changing something or a hacker.
2010-09-22 12:07:51 UTC
Mine kept coming up searching with Bearshare! I uninstalled toolbars and reinstalled and Bearshare went away. Still no FB. Won't even go to site to log in. Hope they get it fixed.
2010-09-22 11:53:22 UTC
Yeah, there's an overload on the server it'll be back up later.
2010-09-22 11:46:22 UTC
Yes facebook is down. However it might be everyone trying to login at the same time. Whatever it is I hope it comes back soon.
2010-09-22 11:12:58 UTC
Kevin612 -- are you assuming they are working on the server and it will be 5-10 min, or do you have an inside scoop? :)
2010-09-22 11:45:35 UTC
No Facebook! Dalls, TX
2010-09-22 10:58:38 UTC
Yep same here. Server Error. Hope it's back up soon!
Kevin C
2010-09-22 11:58:57 UTC
It just came up for me in Florida. It was down for about an hour.
2010-09-22 12:01:01 UTC
Thought i was the only one having problems or it was my internet not connecting.. Hope its back up soon!!! Cant be without Facebook! TX
2010-09-22 11:48:58 UTC
I had that problem too. Thier server probably crashes I would be suprised if it wasn't back up by tomorrow.
2010-09-22 11:32:53 UTC
Looks like it's down, according to this site:
2010-09-22 11:15:14 UTC
The same thing is happening out here in Orlando FL.
2010-09-22 11:00:17 UTC
Got the same problem here in Ohio. Must be the site.
2010-09-22 12:15:29 UTC
Over an hour in Indiana
2010-09-22 11:57:48 UTC
Yep for almost an hour now in Texas..right in the middle of harvesting my vineyard :( boooo
Jake Hobbes
2010-09-26 08:00:09 UTC
Down in Ontario!
2010-09-22 11:50:17 UTC
Down in the Daytona Beach , FL area too :(
2010-09-22 11:48:50 UTC
WAH! My cafe dishes are spoiled! LOL

Down here in Tennessee too around 1 and half hours.
2010-09-22 12:22:17 UTC
It is completely down here in Cleveland, Tn. too!!!! Everyone is going through withdrawal

I can imagine everyone now rocking back and forth talking to themselves, and still checking every five seconds to see if it is back!!! lol

Everyone is now here posting blogs, and comments..... This world is sad, and whats sadder is that I am one of these
2010-09-22 12:01:35 UTC
yep same here...( Owensboro Kentucky) me and my grandma both cant get on says dns server not found on it that the page is broken. grr i have crops due in two hours.
2010-09-22 11:46:36 UTC
Yes same here in Southeast Texas..been about an hour ..
2010-09-22 11:11:54 UTC
Yep having same problem in New England error message sever not found.... What"s up with this???????
2010-09-22 10:58:43 UTC
Yep...mine down for over 30 mins
2010-09-22 11:49:59 UTC
Yeah FaceBook is down, and I was thinking they had killed my Group Page - "The Bikers Code"...
2010-09-22 11:09:40 UTC
It's down in Massachusetts to for about an hour now!
2010-09-22 11:02:02 UTC
Yup on the laptop, Imac and android it's def the site
2010-09-22 12:36:38 UTC
Having the same problem, cant access facebook either (Florida)
Julie P
2010-09-22 11:46:17 UTC
yes, it seems it maybe a was up earlier before 1 pm because i uploaded my blog page on it....yesterday on twitter a kid hacked it so now facebook may be down also......but i don't see any news on it not on twitter so if anyone is go there and see what twitter says..and let me know.........thanks...
2010-09-22 11:44:58 UTC
Im having the same problem.Been tryin for over an hour.
2010-09-22 11:44:01 UTC
YES YES YES!!! Same here Southern Indiana. Was working just fine then about an hour ago it just won't let me on thru my computer or my phone. Glad I'm not the only one. :D Thanks for posting this question.
2010-09-22 11:10:14 UTC
jeez facebook goes down for about an hour and half the world flips out
2010-09-22 11:04:16 UTC
Down here too. About an hour now.
2010-09-22 11:11:51 UTC
Yes same here down in Houston,TX

Hopefully they can get it fixed soon!
Ben Simon
2010-09-22 11:01:40 UTC
Yes same here page not found!! 8(
computer builder
2010-09-22 11:42:48 UTC
yes there having a problem you can report it here although im having issues reporting it throught this site for facebook(tm) here is the
2010-09-22 11:10:30 UTC
It's so strange, I cant log into facebook from my desktop or laptop (im in dallas) however, my mom at work (also in dallas) said she isnt having a problem. Im so frustrated!!!!!
2010-09-22 11:04:43 UTC
Down in Texas for the last half-hour....
2010-09-22 12:24:57 UTC
Down for me too!! I think it's funny how we all freak out when we can't get on facebook!! :D

(in Kansas)
hotbeaglemama (menopause)
2010-09-22 12:13:37 UTC
Same here in Southern Illinois, anyone know anything about it yet?
2010-09-22 12:05:38 UTC
Problems in Texas, working from my phone tho!
Baby girl due 8-31-11
2010-09-22 11:57:52 UTC
Down in FL, not down for my mom in MO but it is down for my dad's office in MO. So a few places do have FB but most don't.
2010-09-22 11:52:38 UTC
Me too! I'm in Texas by the way. It's 12:52pm.
Marion De jong
2010-09-22 11:31:53 UTC
Yip also down here (Netherlands Europe)

Pretty annoying!
2010-09-22 11:25:26 UTC
Mine is down to in Houston
2010-09-22 11:14:51 UTC
Same situation here in Argentina.
Jacinda Milchuck
2010-09-22 10:59:04 UTC
Same here in Illinois
2016-10-13 10:14:58 UTC
while the errors message shows up, click on between the links on the backside of of the internet site (click on approximately) while that internet site a lot, you would be logged in and you will get on your inbox and different issues. wish this helps
2010-09-22 11:57:57 UTC
Same thing here in Ohio
2010-09-22 11:12:31 UTC
Its down here in Mo to
2010-09-22 12:18:13 UTC
I can't get on....I get to login page then after that I get nothing.

I am able to access every other site but fb. I have friends that have been able to get on fb though. grrrrrrrrrrr
2010-09-22 11:22:02 UTC
Yes...My browser lets me in all other sites but FaceBook.(Texas)
2010-09-22 11:12:21 UTC
Same thing here Florida
Jorge luis
2010-09-22 11:02:04 UTC
No facebook for NJ either =( it's down... something is up
2010-09-22 11:00:04 UTC
Mine too. I thought it was just me, but I can access other sites. Wonder whats going on
2010-09-22 10:58:33 UTC
I'm having problems logging in too. It must be the site.
2010-09-22 11:57:52 UTC
I was on it this morning but since this afternoon I can not get back on.

Please let me know when it is back up?
2010-09-22 11:30:58 UTC
Same in Dallas just now.
2010-09-22 11:03:40 UTC
In New Orleans, Seems to be down. Guess I'll do housework.
2010-09-22 11:01:57 UTC
I am. I was playing a game and it just went off. Hopefully not for long!
Mrs. Pink
2010-09-22 12:18:43 UTC
It came back for me for like two minutes, I was so excited! Then , I went to post a comment on someone's status and it's out again. IDK what is going on but I wish they'd fix it.
2010-09-22 11:26:54 UTC
Same here in Georgia.
2010-09-22 11:18:43 UTC
Yep, something is up - I can't get in on my computer but oddly I can access it with my phone.
Topsy Turvy
2010-09-22 12:25:58 UTC
Same here...Can get in every now and then but can't send any messages...New York....
2010-09-22 11:32:57 UTC
down in Iowa - at least for the last hour - can access it on my phone though
2010-09-22 11:24:28 UTC
i have been trying for over an hour, actually almost 2, via phone, computer, etc and still nothing
2010-09-22 12:17:01 UTC
down here too so much for cooking and farming...guess ill fold the laundry
2010-09-22 11:56:10 UTC
Its down here in Oklahoma also, this sucks big time!!! I miss my facebook!!! :(
2010-09-22 11:01:08 UTC
out for me too as of about 30 min ago.
2010-09-22 11:41:58 UTC
Down for me!
Bekah ◡‿◡✿
2010-09-22 11:30:58 UTC
You're not alone! The news actually reported that it was down, (isn't that such "breaking news?" xD) and it's not coming up for me either.
2010-09-22 11:52:48 UTC
Down for me aswell, I'm in fort worth Tx. So......yea....still waitin.....
2010-09-22 11:46:36 UTC
I'm having FB withdrawals
2010-09-22 11:31:15 UTC
2010-09-22 11:20:39 UTC
Yea it's still down here(ky)
2010-09-22 11:03:22 UTC
Yes here in NJ its down, it wont let me log in.
2010-09-22 11:54:17 UTC
Ditto for Texas...
2010-09-22 11:50:55 UTC
same here in Washington DC
2010-09-22 11:01:04 UTC
Same here
2010-09-22 10:57:35 UTC
Yeah Im not able to access it either
2010-09-22 11:05:15 UTC
same down here in Austin, Texas. How bout them HORNS!
2010-09-22 11:55:12 UTC
Its down for me too here in NC :(
2010-09-22 12:20:51 UTC
Yes, I still can't get to it. I haven't been able to get on for more than an hour now. (Texas)
2010-09-22 12:13:05 UTC
down in Missouri as well also wont work on my phone
2010-09-22 12:10:49 UTC
yes i can not get on at all very same here
2010-09-22 12:00:12 UTC
me too! Texas Here
2010-09-22 11:41:52 UTC
yes i am too. facebook must be down
2010-09-22 11:27:58 UTC
well the cache version is opening it but wont let me sign on ohh well
2010-09-22 11:12:33 UTC
Yes FB is down for me also! UGHHHhhhH LOL
2010-09-22 11:01:54 UTC
It is down for me too! Shout out to humanists~
Elizabeth C
2010-09-22 11:53:39 UTC
2010-09-22 11:23:04 UTC
same trouble here in Kentucky
2010-09-22 11:37:02 UTC
yes...we are down here in Houston, TX area as well.
2010-09-22 11:05:56 UTC
I live on the east coast and I too, cannot connect. :(
2010-09-22 11:13:12 UTC
Same here in ATL
2010-09-22 10:59:52 UTC
Not able to access, either. :( all else is good here in SC
2010-09-22 10:57:33 UTC
Same here. Just now.
2010-09-22 11:42:57 UTC
down here in MO, sigh
Ismael Araya
2010-09-22 11:00:09 UTC
same in chile. down for over 30min.
2010-09-25 10:19:17 UTC
people visit this site and earn alot of money
2010-09-23 13:39:25 UTC
I am but its the 23rd today. :(

This is pissing me off....wth is wrong with facebook!
2010-09-22 12:21:37 UTC
down for me too - texas
Brian Melso
2010-09-22 12:19:04 UTC
It may be down for a week.
2010-09-22 11:50:16 UTC
the forums seems to be up, but I can't seem to access the Blog site.... odd....
2010-09-22 12:20:04 UTC
Fine for me.
2010-09-22 11:43:20 UTC
no fb in dallas either

major lost !
2010-09-26 06:19:31 UTC
says this its stupid Please re-enter your password

The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again (make sure your caps lock is off).

Forgot your password? Request a new one. no i rember it with a password uit sayed rember password ps i dint change it actver i remberd it
2010-09-22 12:12:28 UTC
Mine isn't working either (Texas)
2010-09-22 12:02:03 UTC
Mine's back up.
2010-09-22 11:04:06 UTC
Yup same here (Georgia)
2010-09-22 10:58:10 UTC
having the same friggen problem here. (kentucky)
2010-09-22 12:12:22 UTC
okay...i think we've realized its obviously down why do people keep posting?? lol
2010-09-22 11:49:52 UTC

down in nc
2010-09-22 11:44:56 UTC
i have been trying to log in for an hour and have not been able to :/
2010-09-22 11:53:46 UTC
it is server problem
2010-09-22 11:39:52 UTC
yup the site is down..
2010-09-22 11:09:23 UTC
from italy: yes!!!! not ping, dns resolve address but connection will close....
2010-09-22 12:11:34 UTC
Here in Orlando FL as well.................Wow i'm a Facebook not good!
2010-09-22 12:09:41 UTC
It's up and running now! :)
2010-09-22 11:33:57 UTC
yes FB is down for me also :( (New Jersey)
2010-09-22 11:16:10 UTC
Same here =/
jose sanchez
2010-09-22 11:15:09 UTC
yes it looks like it.
2010-09-22 10:59:57 UTC
yes, it is now fallen

2010-09-22 11:18:26 UTC
It's down here too................New Orleans, LA
2010-09-22 11:18:21 UTC
me too in Mass.
2010-09-22 11:46:39 UTC
I can't get on it :(

P.s. I live in England
2010-09-22 11:56:34 UTC
We are not working in IOWA!!
2010-09-22 11:02:26 UTC
Same problem here [FL]
2010-09-22 11:43:33 UTC
I cant get on either,,
2010-09-22 11:09:31 UTC
ahaha!!! I hope it goes down for good... DOWN WITH FACEBOOK!
2010-09-22 11:00:31 UTC
You are all my favorite people.
2010-09-22 10:59:45 UTC
me too in SC
2010-09-26 03:13:46 UTC
not at all

answer mine..
2010-09-23 13:41:23 UTC
yeah's really annoying! (Pennsylvania)
2010-09-22 11:06:48 UTC
same here
Brady McDougall
2010-09-26 10:12:43 UTC
2010-09-22 19:53:27 UTC
not for me
2010-09-22 11:38:59 UTC
down in TX :(
2010-09-25 08:33:33 UTC
shauna d
2010-09-22 11:02:52 UTC
i can not get on either i am in louisiana!!!
2010-09-22 11:47:50 UTC
It's down (FL)
2010-09-22 11:40:46 UTC
what will america do without facebook???? :O
George Calderon
2010-09-22 11:20:25 UTC
same here (LA, CA)
2010-09-22 11:39:52 UTC
2010-09-22 11:16:03 UTC
same here! (DFW, Texas)
2010-09-22 11:41:01 UTC
its down here in nj. i just got home from school though idk how long its been out
2010-09-22 11:24:05 UTC
OMG, i need to chat!!!! Facebook is so not working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im in IL!
Ashley D
2010-09-22 11:50:44 UTC
Yea wtf yo. Why isn't facebook working???

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.