If I unsubscribe from a 'friend' on facebook, will they be notified?
2011-12-28 20:49:01 UTC
I know I sound heartless, but I have a lot of friends, not all of them, I see in a daily/monthly/yearly basis. So I'm considering changing to seeing updates which are "only important" since my family and close relatives don't get a look in on my news feed. The question is, will facebook notify the people I have unsuscribed to after I've unsuscribed? I tried it on one 'Friend' and nothing happened, so I'm fairly sure - but I just wondered if it depended on security settings or anything like that....
Four answers:
2011-12-28 20:51:16 UTC
Spazzy Superhero
2011-12-28 21:09:40 UTC
No it wont but if they look at their friends and see you're not on it, they'll know, of course, but you can always use the excuse that you disabled your profile(;
2011-12-28 20:50:58 UTC
No, you just disappear from their friends list and news feed.
2011-12-28 20:50:22 UTC
No but they will know. Eventually. Like its not gn tell them but they will find out

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